Dorena Historical Society

More Row River Valley Faces and Places

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Van Schoiack house

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Sadie and Cage Van Schoiack

This is a 1901 photo of the Van Schoiack house in old Dorena.  An old family story says that while moving into the house, the family put the toddler into a huge old hollowed out tree stump nearby, which served as a temporary play-pen.  This kept the little one out from underfoot, and out of harms way.


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Another Van Schoiack family photo with Sadie and Cage.


Steven Broadwater Mayben farming the old-fashioned way.



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The Kirk family farm with Cerro Gordo in the background.


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The Kirk family farmhouse in old Dorena.


Kirk Family portrait (1)

A Kirk family portrait with Clara, Fern, Bertha, Emit, John and Neva Merle. Thanks go to Katie Kirk and Nancy Van Schoiack for sharing these photos.


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